On the planet of Jyte, the people lived in peace and thrived under the watchful eyes of The Sentinels. Four grand beings that created the very world they live upon, until that fateful day. During an event known as The Catastrophe, The Sentinels fell into a deep slumber and to this day have not awakened. Many have tried to determine who was responsible if anyone really is, or why such a terrible fate fell to these beings.
For 77 long years nobody could find the truth, not until a seemingly random group of adventurers picked up a trail of clues. Were these travelers really just coming together for a simple job that took them into strange and fascinating lands? Or was it destiny all along that these few came together as they did? One thing is for certain, the truth about The Catastrophe is out there and people will stop at nothing to find it out. With war looming on the horizon after so many years of self sufficiency, the time could finally be at hand for the world to learn how and why. Join our adventurers as they uncover the truth, prevent war, and possibly find a way to restore Jyte to its former golden age. |
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